
Jun 2, 2013

Ronald Reagan Library

Nana & Papas Mother's Day & Father's Day combined gift this year was a Family Field Trip to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library.   What a beautiful place. 

There are few things I enjoy more than tying history to current events...using things like politics as jumping boards for worldview discussions and making educational activities FUN!

I wonder what goes through Galilee and Jemima's minds when they learn not so pleasant things about the politics of their countries of origin?  I wonder if they feel shame?  I hope not.  If they are grateful to be Americans now?  I sure hope so.  If they will ever return to the former USSR...if they have any unspoken desires or fears...resentments or longings?????? 

Funny how things like museum visits can be triggers.  

We were privileged to experience the opening day of the Lincoln Exhibit.  At moments it felt as if we were treading on holy ground.  Standout memories....his top hat ^...and his blood stained deathbed pillow.  I had to inhale deeply and exhale slowly a few times.