
Jun 23, 2013

Creative Download

I go through these creative spurts.  I like to think of these times as "downloads from the Lord."  Literally...I am flooded with ideas.  And then I start working and ideas lead to more ideas. 

While I'm designing jewelry pieces...I'm writing.  In my head. 

Then I sit to work out on paper what has already been worked out during my time of jewelry designing. 

Then I start thinking of photography things...and how I can use my images in new ways.

The original image...taken on my phone captured a square of pavement outside of a restaurant on Larchmont. 

Going through a relational trial...I felt like I needed a reminder that He is able to make all things new...and I wanted to use the image as a background...but the color wasn't right for what I was feeling. 

This was more like it. 

As I was going over Isaiah 61: 2-3 in my mind...I was thinking one of my characters...and working out what it is that he is wrestling with.  The thing that is being made new out of his ashes. 

When I've got that figured out...I've got Act Three. 

It will come when it is meant to.