
Aug 20, 2012

Alliance Defending Freedom

Oh my goodness...same convo going on over here.  But wait...if I say "no" to one thing ...do I say "no" to another?  For instance....a believer marrying a non-believer....or two heterosexual non believers who are currently living together while fornicating....taking the leap into marriage....or a believer walking in open sin marrying another believer walking in open sin (fornicating or any ####### of other sins)...or a man wanting to marry his 5th wife...or ...or.....or.....or..............................BIG questions.

And the immediate answers one might respond with bring up bigger questions.

Bradley, the kids, and I...went round and round just last week regarding this very topic. 

I am so happy I am a wife and a mother and a home-educating one at that...who says "yes" and "no" to photography shoots...depending on my schedule.

And I am thankful for the hard questions as they keep me grounded in the Word...seeking out Godly counsel... and on my toes.  And I am thankful for the Alliance Defending Freedom. 

If you were a vegan Peta supporting photographer and you were asked to shoot a dream African Safari Wedding (all expenses paid  :)  ...or document a Deep Sea Tuna Fishing Expedition/Bachelor Party...would you do it?  Or the Thanksgiving cover for Food & Wine...complete with a crisp skinned perfectly browned delicious moist meat turkey as the star??????  Could you?  Would you?

If you were a photographer who had personal objections to nudity on film and a client came to you wanting a Nude Sitting w/ her newborn?  Nothing scandalous would be exposed...just a beautiful art shot. Would you feel differently about shooting nudity if you were in a different setting...let's say....in Africa where tribal nudity was the norm?  What if the model was a cancer survivor who wanted to document the loss of her breasts and her victory over the disease?

Why?  Why not?  

See what I mean!?!!!!!?????!!!!!???