
Jul 27, 2012

Out of the Box Thinking

So interesting how Zion labeled her Science Experiment Drawings backwards.  3...2...1...rather than the obvious and more traditional 1...2...3

I'm pretty sure it has something to do w/the switch we made from Saxon Math to Miquon Math.  Miquon has me thinking in new ways.  I've even had to pull out the Teacher's Manual a few times just to make sure I wasn't taking her/myself(lol) down some wonky path. 

How comfortable I am thinking inside the box!  It's tempting to go back to what I know....in this case...a traditional Textbook curriculum. 

Not gonna do it.  Gonna see this through. 

Obviously.... we have to work on the correct use of capital and lowercase letters and punctuation :)  

Originally Posted: October 29, 2011