
Jul 14, 2008

Major Praise Over Here

Major praise over here! We went away for 8 days and had maaaaaybe
3-4?????? very minor incidents. Very, very minor....predictable things like brief lapses in eye contact etc.

This time.....no dramatic hissy fits over seemingly ridiculous things..... no center of attention stuff...no dining room timeouts in front of hundreds of strangers...no Mexican ambulance rides to take care of centipede-like creature of mysterious origin stings (she was told not to touch and of course...ignored the warning.)

Hopefully...it's more evidence of healing.

While we were away....when she chose sassiness.....it was no more sassy than the others.

We currently have a lovely, age-appropriately obedient, submissive more times than not, somewhat self-controlled, teachable, responsive, pre-teen daughter..... who seems to have decided for some unknown reason that she likes the looks of us and desires to keep us around. Could this change within the next hour? Sure. My head is not in the clouds. Even so.........

Maybe it's the prayers....
Maybe it's the consistency and hard work....
Maybe it's the timing......
Maybe it's everything working together for the good......

All I know is that with each of my children.....without submission to the Lord there will be no forever fruit. Please pray that He will reveal himself...that His love would be recognized...that there would be a turning from self reliance...an acceptance of His provision...and growth in knowledge and grace.

We need prayer for the healing of all the hearts in the home wounded by RAD.


Susan G said...

Ok, that is amazing!! YEAH FOR YOU!!! and Way to go girls!!!!!
I love hearing that!