
May 20, 2008

Reactive Attachment Disorder

I have the most, adorable, precious, lovable, truthful, 12 year old daughter in the entire world. She consistently looks at her own sin and tries...though sometimes she fails....as we all do....to listen to what the Lord is communicating to her heart through the circumstances she finds herself in. She is raw. What you see is what you get.....and she is everyone's cheerleader and encourager. Two of the most amazing qualities Galilee has are that she is quick to forgive...amazingly so....and....she is able to laugh at herself. She really is one of my heroes.

And the Lord is faithful to answer our prayers. I have been praying that He would soften Mcabe's wounded and hard heart..... and lo and behold....this very morning I heard him calling for his sister to play a game of Hide & Seek.


Sean's Ladies said...

Yeah, Galilee!! It is scary and sometimes really difficult, but keep choosing to trust!! We love you!!!!!

Susan G said...

That is so neat!! It's just so amazing when things WORK!!!

way to go!

Kim Thompson said...

awesome! She has such a tender heart, I love her.

Unspeakable Joy said...

oh wow, what an amazing insight! i hope my kids get there one day!