
Mar 23, 2008


Piero della Francesca
As believers, we meet the Lord along the way. Have a personal encounter with the living Lord. Walk with Him and get to know Him. Spend time crying and laughing with Him. Climb into His lap. Whisper into His ear. Accept His instruction. Submit under His discipline. Trust Him. Trust Him with our lives....not just our deaths....but our lives.

Then....maybe somewhere along the path we are traveling....it appears as if He's gone from us. He's inched away step by step. Quietly removed Himself like a gentleman. We know He doesn't lie. We still trust that He is with us but it's more difficult when we cannot see. He's coming back. We are confident of this. But..... wait.....where did He go? Did we misunderstand? Did we make a mistake? Were we dreaming? Have we been fooled or fooled ourselves?

We may have reached the Third Day intersection. Friday...our Lord...our best friend and closest companion seems to have disappeared....seems to be not who we thought He was. Saturday....living in a state where we know the Truth...but do not yet necessarily see all the manifestations that Truth promises.

Sunday...... will come. If we do not "feel" His presence at this moment...if the Lord seems far off....hold tight...He will reveal Himself again. And because we are His...we will recognize His hand in our circumstances. We will identify His whispers to our hearts. But more than this...one day soon...we will see Him face to face and walk with Him and talk with Him...our closest companion.