
Sep 21, 2007

Blog Buster Sins

The Blog Buster hurt his wife...the last thing he would ever want to do. I am an unthinking, sinful, despicable soul...a wretched punk and I am truly sorry. In a perfect example of grace...indeed, my loving wife has shown me forgiveness. However, something hit me and I was led to blog bust. This example of grace has produced other conviction. You see I have been prompted to look at the situation even further. "What if the tables were turned Mr. Blogbuster"? Oh yeah...the insecure, selfish punk that I am would certainly not be so quick to forgive. In fact, I would carry this for a while...and I know my heart would be a lot harder. I love you...

I'm truly sorry my love.


familygregg said...

You are a nutcase. My nutcase. Thank you for the apology. You are forgiven.